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Is your oral microbial balance at risk? Here’s how common factors disrupt your oral health
Oral health is influenced by many factors, with the balance of microbes in the mouth being central. This delicate coexistence of bacteria and microorganisms is vital for the health of teeth and gum...
Lumoral to be Showcased at at the Scandinavian Society of Periodontology Conference in Visby, Sweden
The Finnish oral health innovation, Lumoral, will be presented at the upcoming Scandinavian Society of Periodontology (ScSP) Conference in Visby, Sweden, from August 22-25, 2024. This conference wi...
Lumoral: New Advances in the Scientific Research of Antibacterial Lumoral Treatment
The Finnish oral health innovation, Lumoral, has sparked significant interest in the academic community, with several new studies launching in recent months. Mikko Kylmänen, Research Manager at Koi...
HealthHub Pharma to Distribute Lumoral in Poland's Growing Preventive Dental Market
Finnish health technology company Koite Health Oy has signed a distribution agreement with Polish company HealthHub Pharma for its Lumoral oral health enhancing method. The partnership, which comme...
Poor oral health can increase the risk of stroke
Every year, over 13 million people worldwide die from stroke. However, many of these incidents could be prevented through relatively simple means, such as a healthier diet, more exercise, or improv...
Did You Know? The crucial link between oral health and athletic performance
When we think about what makes a great athlete, we often consider physical strength, agility, endurance, and mental toughness. However, one crucial aspect that is frequently overlooked is oral heal...