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Finnish health tech company Koite Health has signed a distribution agreement with Megagen Iberia, a major player in Spain's dental industry. This partnership aims to revolutionize oral health care ...

Lumoral to be Showcased at at the Scandinavian Society of Periodontology Conference in Visby, Sweden
The Finnish oral health innovation, Lumoral, will be presented at the upcoming Scandinavian Society of Periodontology (ScSP) Conference in Visby, Sweden, from August 22-25, 2024. This conference wi...

Lumoral Showcased by Med-Faktor at Dentex 2024 Fair
The International Dental Medicine Fair, commonly known as Dentex, once again brought the dental industry to the forefront from June 6-8, 2024. Organized by Zagreb Fair and the Croatian Chamber of D...

17th MegaGen International Symposium Shines the Spotlight on Antibacterial Lumoral Treatment
The 17th MegaGen International Symposium in Rome, Italy, will be held from May 30 to June 1, 2024. Organized by MegaGen, a leading dental implant company, the event gathers dental experts worldwide...

World Oral Health Day 2024: A Healthy Mouth Supports Brain Health
World Oral Health Day is celebrated annually on March 20th. This year's theme - A Happy Mouth… A Happy Body - emphasizes the connection between a healthy mouth and overall health. Dental and oral ...

Lumoral on display at Spanish health events, including Oral Hygienists' Convention
Finnish health technology company Koite Health Oy will present its Lumoral innovation at the Spanish National Congress of Oral Hygienists (Congreso Nacional de Higienistas Bucodentales y 1º Encuent...