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Lumoral: New Advances in the Scientific Research of Antibacterial Lumoral Treatment

Lumoral: New Advances in the Scientific Research of Antibacterial Lumoral Treatment

The Finnish oral health innovation, Lumoral, has sparked significant interest in the academic community, with several new studies launching in recent months. Mikko Kylmänen, Research Manager at Koite Health Oy, provides updates on Lumoral's latest clinical research.

Currently, there are 11 ongoing clinical studies across Finland, Sweden, Estonia, and Lithuania investigating the Lumoral method. Five of these are funded by Koite Health Ltd, while the rest are conducted by independent academic research teams. The studies cover topics such as periodontitis, peri-implantitis, orthodontics, oral lichen planus, and the prevention of oral diseases in youth.

In 2024, two new academic research teams will start their Lumoral studies. One study will examine the impact of improved oral hygiene on managing and preventing periodontitis in patients with diabetes. Another study will focus on enhancing oral hygiene for elderly individuals living at home or receiving home care.

In Italy, two research groups are advancing their Lumoral studies: The University of Turin is investigating the prevention of oral mucositis symptoms caused by radiation therapy, and Sapienza University in Rome is studying methods to alleviate early symptoms of peri-implantitis. Additionally, Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals in Chennai, India, is planning to start a Lumoral study in 2024 focused on treating oral mucositis related to cancer therapies.

Research on oral mucositis is particularly significant, as no existing medication has successfully prevented its development. Mucositis, an inflammation of the oral mucosa associated with cancer treatments such as radiation and chemotherapy, causes severe pain, redness, and swelling, which can negatively impact the success of cancer treatment. Recent findings suggest that light-activated antibacterial therapy may be an effective way to manage this condition.

Recent Lumoral Studies Initiated in Early 2024:

  1. HEALTHIER (Sweden): This study evaluates Lumoral's effectiveness in treating peri-implantitis and is conducted at the private Södertandläkarna clinic in Stockholm, Sweden, with 80 participants.
  2. LumOsteo: This research examines Lumoral's role in preventing complications related to implant placement. It is being conducted at the Hammaslääkärit Eteläranta 10 clinic in Helsinki, Finland, with 40 participants.
  3. Tartu University Plaque Study (Estonia): This crossover study compares two different oral hygiene methods and their effects on oral health. It is taking place at Tartu University in Estonia, where participants will alternate between using Lumoral and not using it to provide comparative results.

The HEALTHIER and LumOsteo studies are in their early stages, and precise timelines for results depend on factors such as patient recruitment. However, results from the Tartu plaque study are expected by the end of the year.

Summary of Previous Research Findings:

  • Pilot Study on Peri-Implantitis (2022): Showed promising results in treating implant-related inflammations with Lumoral, including significant reductions in plaque and gum bleeding without side effects.
  • Case Report on Periodontitis (2022): Demonstrated that Lumoral's antibacterial light treatment effectively eliminated harmful oral bacteria and improved severe periodontal disease outcomes.
  • Clinical Randomized Study on Periodontitis (2022): Indicated significant improvements in periodontitis treatment outcomes when Lumoral was added to daily care.
  • Clinical Randomized Study on Peri-Implantitis (2022): Observed reduced plaque, bleeding, and gum pocket sizes in Lumoral users compared to controls.
  • Randomized Study on Oral Hygiene in Elderly Care (2023): Found that light-activated Lumoral treatment improved oral health and moisture in elderly individuals residing in 24-hour care facilities.
  • Plaque Study in Healthy Adults (2023): Revealed that using Lumoral twice a week significantly reduced biofilm compared to a control group.

Innovation in Focus:

The ongoing and completed studies highlight Lumoral's versatile applications in improving oral health across various demographics and conditions. Mikko Kylmänen emphasizes that Lumoral's research opens new opportunities in oral care development. The company is proud to advance health and well-being through innovative solutions and looks forward to potential future applications of Lumoral.

For more information on Lumoral's research and effects, visit


The New Lumoral Mobile Application Motivates to Elevate Oral Health to a Whole New Level

The New Lumoral Mobile Application Motivates to Elevate Oral Health to a Whole New Level

Health technology company Koite Health and technology company Reaktor have together developed a new mobile application supporting oral health, the Lumoral app. The application assists users in maintaining sustainable oral care practices, aiming to seamlessly integrate modern technology into the daily oral hygiene routines of Lumoral users.

Lumoral is a Finnish dental innovation that effectively and comprehensively removes harmful mouth bacteria through a light-activated mouth rinse. With the new application, users of the Lumoral method can establish new and enduring dental care routines, which help to motivate regular Lumoral usage for the benefit of oral health.

"The effectiveness of Lumoral treatment is parallel to the user's treatment frequency. For this reason, we want to facilitate our users in building their own Lumoral routine. The Lumoral app enables easy and automated ordering of Lumorinse tablets and the creation of a personalized Lumoral usage routine with reminders. The application also enables tracking of one's own oral health development and Lumoral device usage history," says Sakari Nikinmaa, CEO of Koite Health Oy.

The free Lumoral app includes, among other features, a customized Lumoral coaching program, an intelligent calendar, reminders, and a statistics page for monitoring oral health progress. Through the app, users can also collect usage data, which can help track the improvement of their oral health.

"Understanding the Lumoral device and users' needs was essential when we embarked on developing the Lumoral app together. Extensive testing and research phases provided valuable insights, guiding the creation of an intuitive user experience," says Marko Sibakov, Business Director of Reaktor Health.

"We paid special attention to simplifying the ordering of Lumorinse tablets. Now you can easily purchase them from the app's own store."

Collaboration with Reaktor ensured that the vision of the Lumoral app was seamlessly aligned with user needs.

"This is Koite Health's first digital product, and we wanted to choose the best partner to realize it. Reaktor's international expert team and customer-centric approach helped create a first-class solution. We are excited and listening closely to how the Lumoral family receives the new app," comments Pekka Ruuska, Marketing Director of Koite Health Oy.


For more information for the media:

Sakari Nikinmaa

CEO, Koite Health

+358 40 8222 034,

Koite Health

Koite Health is a Finnish health technology company whose double-light-based innovation has revolutionized Finnish oral health care. The company's expert team consists of experienced doctors and technology professionals. The company's founders Sakari Nikinmaa, Tommi Pätilä, and Juha Rantala established Koite Health in September 2018 as part of significant medical innovation commercialization projects funded by Business Finland and Aalto University. Koite Health was named one of Europe's top health technology companies in the Tech Tour 22 competition.

The Lumoral developed by the company is a dental cleaning device used in addition to regular tooth brushing. The device is suitable for everyone but is particularly important for those with cavities or gum inflammation. Lumoral has been scientifically developed, and its antibacterial efficacy has been well established. Lumoral is a Class II medical device and CE certified.



Reaktor is a technology company that designs and builds leading digital products and services in collaboration with its clients. Founded in 2000, the company has 700 employees and offices in Helsinki, Turku, Tampere, New York, Amsterdam, Lisbon, Stockholm, and Tokyo. Its clients include brands such as Adidas, HBO, Supercell, Cathay Pacific, and KONE.

Reaktor Health specializes in building digital solutions with healthcare service providers in Europe. Reaktor Health helps healthcare operators improve their services and interaction with patients, delivers high-quality software solutions quickly, supports product launches, and strengthens its clients' competitiveness.

Nokia Rubber Workers' Sickness Fund Invests in Oral Health: Lumoral Reimbursement Added to Benefits

Nokia Rubber Workers' Sickness Fund Invests in Oral Health: Lumoral Reimbursement Added to Benefits

The Nokia Rubber Workers' Sickness Fund (Nokian Kumiväen Sairauskassa) has entered into a partnership agreement with Finnish health technology company Koite Health Oy, deciding to increasingly focus on the oral health of its insured members. The fund will now reimburse the costs of Lumoral treatment for its insured members, providing a valuable additional benefit for maintaining oral health.

Lumoral is an innovative Finnish health technology solution that supports users' oral health by treating and preventing infections of the teeth and gums. The fund sees its solution as an important step towards preventive healthcare.

– The decision is based on thorough consideration and discussions with the fund's board. The board recognized the opportunities offered by the Lumoral device and unanimously decided to approve it as part of the benefits offered by the sickness fund, says Piia Virolainen, CEO of the Nokia Rubber Workers' Sickness Fund.

Piia Virolainen, CEO of the Nokia Rubber Workers' Sickness Fund.

Studies show that poor oral health is one of the major risk factors behind many common diseases, as inflamed gums and damaged tooth surfaces provide a direct route for bacteria.

– Oral infections are remarkably common globally, and they contribute to the onset of serious conditions such as cancer, diabetes, heart, lung, and kidney diseases, says Tommi Pätilä, a heart and organ transplant surgeon at HUS Children's Hospital, in Helsinki. Pätilä is also one of the developers of the Lumoral method.

– As the population ages, we are inevitably heading towards difficult times in healthcare and its financial management. Oral infections significantly increase the need for hospitalization and its complications. Therefore, investing in oral care and its comprehensive understanding – especially in the prevention of dental diseases – pays off multiple times in the future, Pätilä continues.

Oral diseases are a significant expense

According to Virolainen, the decision will practically mean that regular Lumoral treatment, including Lumorinse tablets, will be covered for the health fund's insured members as part of the fund's dental benefit.

– Regular Lumoral treatment has an impact on oral health, but it also affects the overall well-being of its users. The Nokia Rubber Workers' Sickness Fund is constantly striving to improve the well-being and health of its insured members. The reimbursement of Lumoral device and Lumorinse tablets is one step towards this goal, emphasizes Virolainen.

Virolainen states that the Nokia Rubber Workers' Sickness Fund reimburses the most research and treatment costs. The next highest reimbursement is for insured members' dental treatment costs.

– Dental diseases can lead to significant costs, making our fund's dental benefit a highly valued and frequently utilized resource among our insured members. Quick access to dental care, without the inconvenience of waiting, is considered essential by our insured members, Virolainen adds.

According to Lumoral Area Manager Riikka Nisula, local dental clinics have eagerly welcomed the decision of the Nokia Rubber Workers' Sickness Fund to reimburse Lumoral and Lumorinse tablets because prevention and enhancing self-care support professional treatment.

The antibacterial Lumoral treatment effectively removes harmful bacteria from the surfaces of the teeth and gum lines. Home-administered Lumoral treatment has been found to be significantly more effective and better tolerated than chlorhexidine-based mouthwashes, which are commonly used today.

Nisula emphasizes that the antibacterial treatment is carried out as an additional treatment to mechanical teeth cleaning and does not replace the need to brush teeth and clean between teeth. So why is additional treatment to enhance mechanical oral hygiene needed?

According to studies, brushing teeth removes only 65% of plaque. Residual plaque remains in the mouth after even the most effective teeth brushing. Lumoral helps to remove this residual plaque. With regular Lumoral treatment, the tooth surfaces are properly cleaned.

Antibacterial treatment has also been shown to prevent and treat infections of the tissues surrounding implants. The treatment is suitable for everyone, but light-activated antibacterial treatment is seen as most effective for patients who need enhanced oral hygiene.

The Nokia Rubber Workers' Sickness Fund is a so-called supplementary fund that reimburses insured members for additional benefits according to its rules. The fund has about 1,200 insured members. Altogether, there are about 110 health funds operating in Finland, whose insured members consist of employees and/or office personnel. In many funds, retirees can continue to be insured by the fund, and in some funds, family members are also entitled to reimbursements.

For more information:  

Sakari Nikinmaa
CEO, Koite Health
+358 40 8222 034,

Piia Virolainen
CEO, Nokian Kumiväen Sairauskassa
+358 50577015,5