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Dental disease that many overlook – this is what you should check for

Dental disease that many overlook – this is what you should check for

An untreated inflammation in the gums can eventually lead to periodontitis. Yet, many people overlook the symptoms of gingivitis, as it is also called. Here are the signs you should be on the lookout for - and the best tips for healthy gums.

Plaque, the bacterial buildup on teeth, causes 95 percent of all oral diseases. Gingivitis is no exception.

- Gingivitis is an inflammation that affects the dental tissue, i.e., the gums. It occurs because the harmful bacteria that we all have in our mouths have not been sufficiently removed, allowing them to grow, says Ing-Marie Albinsson, a dental hygienist at the Lilla Tandkronan clinic in Arvika.

The immune system responds to the bacteria by sending more white blood cells to the area. Blood flow increases, causing the gums to swell.

- Unfortunately, in this case, it has a somewhat undesired effect. The bacteria that caused the inflammation thrive especially well in an oxygen-poor environment, and protected by the swollen gums, they can grow even more, says Ing-Marie Albinsson.

The first sign of gingivitis is thus swollen gums, something that is not always easy to detect. The next step is that the gums become even more inflamed and start bleeding. At first, it occurs infrequently, but gradually more often and due to lighter strains.

- If it bleeds every time you brush your teeth or, for example, bite into an apple, then the inflammation has progressed relatively far, says Ing-Marie Albinsson.

Choose the right tool

The most important step to combat gingivitis is cleaning - both on and between the teeth.

- With the toothbrush, you only reach the free surfaces, such as the outside, inside, and chewing surfaces. But between the teeth, we need to use other tools, such as interdental brushes or dental floss, says Albinsson.

The choice of tool depends on the size of the gaps between the teeth. And how to use it is just as crucial.

- A large part of our treatment for patients with advanced gingivitis is education by the dental hygienist. If you don't use the right tool correctly, the effect is lacking, says Albinsson.

Dual Light treatment is effective

Succeeding in the treatment of gingivitis is incredibly important - because if it is not done, the consequences can be serious.

- If the bacteria continue to grow, they begin to grow downward, which can create deep pockets. Through them, the bacteria can eventually also reach the threads holding the teeth and attack them. This leads to periodontitis, says Albinsson.

To avoid this, Ing-Marie recommends a complementary treatment with the Finnish innovation Lumoral, which removes 99.9 percent of the harmful bacteria in our mouths through a patented light treatment. 

- When we brush our teeth, 65 percent of the bacteria disappear. With Lumoral, you get a completely different result. The method is easy to use and is especially effective for those who already have problems. But it can also be used preventively, both to stay healthy and to reduce the costs of future dental care, says Albinsson.

This is Lumoral

The Lumoral method removes microscopic plaque from the surface of teeth and gums, slows down the formation of new plaque, and delays the onset of tartar. Its effect is based on the light-activated Lumorinse mouthrinse. The treatment targets its antibacterial effect only on plaque and thus benefits the normal bacterial flora in the mouth. Lumoral is a CE-marked medical device.

Lumoral consists of a mint-flavored mouthrinse, Lumorinse, used in combination with the special mouthpiece. The treatment eliminates the ability of plaque to stick to the surfaces of teeth so that teeth become clean and teeth surfaces  smooth.

The at-home treatment takes 10 minutes and is recommended once or twice a week.

Lumoral Junior

For children, there is Lumoral Junior. The Lumoral Junior mouthpiece is suitable for children between 4 and 12 years old. From the age of 12, the Lumoral mouthpiece for adults is generally suitable for a child to use. To use Lumoral, the child should be able to rinse his or her mouth with a mouthrinse.

Koite Health signs Lumoral® deal with Dental Warehouse – UK’s leading distribution and fulfillment warehouse

Koite Health signs Lumoral® deal with Dental Warehouse – UK’s leading distribution and fulfillment warehouse

Finnish health technology company Koite Health Oy has signed a distribution agreement with Dental Warehouse Ltd. of the UK. Following the accord, Dental Warehouse will offer UK consumers and oral health professionals Lumoral® – the latest technology for improved oral health self-care.

Dental Warehouse is the leading distribution and fulfillment warehouse in the UK. The company sees Lumoral as a strong addition to its product portfolio, giving it a competitive edge in the dental industry. 

According to Alexandra Davis from Dental Warehouse, Lumoral’s unique technology – developed in collaboration with Finnish scientists and medical professionals – offers innovative plaque-targeting treatment capabilities, setting it apart from traditional oral care products. 

– The technology addresses plaque-related issues promptly, helping prevent severe oral health problems such as cavities and gum disease. Davis highlights that Lumoral caters to dental professionals and proactive consumers, expanding its target market.

Koite Health Ltd. will provide Dental Warehouse access to innovative and unique technology for dental plaque-targeted treatment through the agreement. 

– This can help differentiate us from competitors and attract customers seeking advanced oral care solutions, Davis says. 

Comprehensive oral health management

Poor oral health is a global concern that has prompted even the World Health Organization (WHO) to react. WHO estimates that oral diseases affect nearly 3.5 billion people globally. In 2022, the World Health Assembly adopted the global strategy on oral health with a vision of universal health coverage for oral health for all individuals and communities by 2030.

Poor oral health also affects children. The Oral Health Foundation of the UK called in March for urgent action after a new report by the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities highlights a “catastrophic rise in childhood tooth extractions”.

Figures released by the UK-based charity reveal an 83% increase in 0–19-year-olds admitted to hospital for tooth extractions under general anaesthetic due to tooth decay. There were 26,741 tooth extractions on 0–19-year-olds due to tooth decay between 2021-2022.

According to the report, significant disparities exist between areas within the UK. For example, Yorkshire and the Humber rates are over five times that of the East Midlands.

Alexandra Davis estimates that the UK dental market will reach a value of £9.62 billion in 2022. 46% of UK adults have visited a National Health Service (NHS) dentist in the last 12 months. 57% of people who have visited a dentist in the last five years received a general examination or check-up. 70% of British citizens use self-payment for their dental treatments.

Davis highlights a continuous need to improve prevention among patients in the UK regarding the oral health of adults and children. 

– While dental professionals emphasise the importance of preventive care, there are still areas where patients can benefit from better understanding and implementing preventive practices, she continues.

This is where new oral health-enhancing technologies such as Lumoral come in handy.

Lumoral is changing the future of dental care at home

Research shows that Lumoral's antibacterial aPDT phototherapy technology effectively eliminates harmful bacteria in the mouth while treating advanced gum disease. Similar light-activated antibacterial treatments have already been used in dental clinics. However, the problem has been the cost and frequency of these treatments to provide sufficient efficacy. 

Lumoral is a health technology product with a medical device status for treating and preventing oral diseases at home. Many dentists and the Finnish Association of Dental Hygienists already recommend the new teeth cleaning method, which improves traditional oral hygiene. Lumoral treatment does not replace mechanical oral hygiene but enhances it. Lumoral is also available for children aged four and above.

– Solid scientific evidence enhances the understanding of Lumoral's efficacy and showcases its benefits in treating periodontitis. Scientific backing helps to instill confidence in the effectiveness of Lumoral and contribute to its credibility within the dental industry, Davis says. 

Preventive health care, which includes using the antibacterial Lumoral method, will quickly pay for itself, bringing significant savings to society. This applies not only to dental care but to the entire healthcare system. Lumoral supports regular mechanical dental hygiene, helps achieve gum health, and prevents inflammation when regular dental hygiene is insufficient.

Dental Warehouse aims to provide its customers with the best possible modern treatment for oral diseases. Lumoral will be offered through dental practices through the Dental Warehouse website.

– This novel technology can appeal to individuals or organisations seeking advanced solutions in oral health. Dental plaque is a widespread issue that affects a large population. David highlights that Lumoral's ability to treat dental plaque efficiently can entice individuals and dental professionals looking for an effective tool to address this common oral health problem.

Davis continues that Lumoral's plaque-targeting capabilities align with the increasing emphasis on preventive healthcare. By proactively addressing dental plaque, Lumoral may help prevent more severe oral health issues, such as cavities and gum disease, without negatively affecting oral bacteria balance. This preventive aspect can attract those interested in maintaining optimal oral health.

According to Davis, increased awareness of oral health and hygiene drives the growing demand for advanced oral care solutions. Lumoral, with its innovative technology and ability to provide comprehensive oral health management, may meet this demand and be seen as a valuable addition to the market.

Taking oral health to a new level

Sakari Nikinmaa, Koite Health's CEO, says that partnership with the Dental Warehouse team is essential for Lumoral, enabling the company to serve dental professionals and their patients better in the UK. 

– By working with Dental Warehouse, we can take oral health to a new level in the UK and provide patients and consumers with the best possible treatment experience and outcomes. Koite Health's clinical results and the expertise of Dental Warehouse are perfectly combined with Lumoral's unique features and efficiency, says Nikinmaa.

The global oral healthcare market is estimated to be worth €470 billion. Koite Health aims to capture a share of it with their Lumoral solution. The company already has thousands of satisfied customers and ambitious future growth targets. Now, the aim is to make Lumoral a major global brand in the oral healthcare market through international partnerships.

– Our strategy is to partner with industry leaders to raise awareness among professionals about the Lumoral product and its benefits and to build a global sales structure to secure product availability globally, says Nikinmaa, one of the founders of Koite Health.


Sakari Nikinmaa, Co-founder and CEO of Koite Health Oy.




UK-based Oral Health Foundation calls for action after a huge rise in childhood tooth extractions under general anaesthetic

UK-based Oral Health Foundation calls for action after a huge rise in childhood tooth extractions under general anaesthetic

The Oral Health Foundation calls for urgent action after a new report by the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities highlights a “catastrophic rise in childhood tooth extractions”.

Figures released by the UK-based charity reveal an 83% increase in the number of 0-19 year-olds being admitted to hospital for tooth extractions under general anaesthetic, due to tooth decay. In total, there were 26,741 tooth extractions on 0–19-year-olds, due to tooth decay between 2021-2022.

According to the report, there are large disparities between areas of the country, for example, Yorkshire and the Humber rates are over five times that of the East Midlands.

The charity believes more education and funding are needed, as well as improved awareness about tooth decay so it can be prevented. 

– It is unfair and unjust for even one child to experience dental disease and pain, let alone thousands, Dr Nigel Carter, CEO of the Oral Health Foundation said on the foundation’s website.

– Only 10% of the country has fluoride added to their water, so expanding water fluoridation schemes could help to reduce these disparities in all areas of the UK. Water fluoridation is one of the single most credible and impactful schemes that can have a significant impact on tooth decay.

– The data on children’s general anaesthetic, hospital extractions in non-fluoridated areas versus fluoridated areas is staggering – in fluoridated areas, hospital admissions fall by as much as 68%.

According to the report caries-related tooth extraction rate for children and young people living in the most deprived areas is nearly 3.5 times that of those living in the most affluent areas.

– These figures continue to suggest that the UK is turning into a postcode lottery when it comes to dental access, Dr Carter said in the article.

The differences have been increasingly apparent as NHS dentistry is put under more stress, Dr Carter notes.

– Less NHS dentists, rising populations and dental teams combined with an NHS dental contract that does not work have certainly not helped the situation around the UK.

Tooth removals during childhood cause problems later in in life

The Oral Health Foundation says the number of children and young adults having teeth removed in hospitals is unacceptable. The charity is concerned that too many people believe that having ‘baby’ teeth removed early does not have a long-term impact on the ‘adult’ or permanent teeth.

– If the baby teeth have to be removed early due to decay, this can cause problems with the adult teeth, in the future, Dr Carter says.

– The baby teeth hold the space open for the permanent teeth to move into when they are ready. Without the baby teeth to keep these spaces, the adult teeth often come through in the wrong position. If this happens, the child will need to have orthodontic (braces) treatment, in the future.

Oral Health Foundation recommends brushing teeth for two minutes, last thing at night and at least one other time during the day, using fluoride toothpaste. As children get older, they should start to clean in-between their teeth using interdental brushes, tape, or floss, once a day.

– Unless the proper steps are put in place to reduce the number of decay-related tooth extractions under general anaesthetic in hospitals, these numbers will continue to escalate and place a further strain on an already over-stretched NHS, adds Dr Carter. 

– The only way to reduce this burden is to educate all ages, on the causes of dental decay and how to prevent it, with a balanced, healthy diet that is low in sugar and maintain an effective dental hygiene routine at home, and keep an eye on their oral health by visiting their dentist regularly, as often as they recommend.


Read more: Severe Dental Problems in Children on the Rise: Finnish Innovation Keeps Tooth Decay at Bay