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Taking control of troublesome tartar
Tartar is mineralised plaque that forms on the surface of the teeth, usually as a result of poor oral hygiene. Plaque is made up of bacteria, food debris and saliva proteins. If plaque is not regul...

Oral Health and Brain Health: The Crucial Connection for Overall Well-being
Dental and oral bacteria have been linked to numerous chronic diseases throughout the body. Recent research indicates that thorough brushing and regular dental visits can also play a role in preven...

In the field of dental care, changes are constant as fresh ideas shape the industry. A recent collaboration agreement between Finland’s Koite Health Ltd and Trading Co., Ltd. from Thailand is set t...

Finnish Medical Society Duodecim highlights Lumoral as a breakthrough in Finnish healthcare
Duodecim, Finland's leading medical association, has published the book "The Healing Power of Medicine" (Lääketieteen Parantava Voima), which presents Finnish advancements in healthcare for disease...

Vegetarian Dental Care: Navigating Oral Health Challenges
Recent studies indicate that a vegetarian diet may increase the risk of tooth decay and erosion. The exact reasons for this are not fully understood, but several factors may contribute to it. Howev...

Revolutionizing Oral Mucositis Treatment: Antibacterial Light-Activated Therapy in Future Protocols
Oral mucositis, an inflammation of the oral mucosa, often occurs in association with cancer treatments, particularly radiation and chemotherapy. It manifests as severe pain, redness, and swelling i...