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The European Federation of Periodontology (EFP): "Preventive oral healthcare brings savings to society."

The European Federation of Periodontology (EFP): "Preventive oral healthcare brings savings to society."

According to a report commissioned by the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP), 4.9 percent of global healthcare expenditure is allocated to treat preventable oral diseases such as gum inflammation, cavities, and tooth loss. A preventive approach to oral disease management can bring significant savings to societies, especially when interventions are targeted at economically vulnerable populations.

The "Time to put your money where your mouth is: addressing inequalities in oral health" report by the Economist Impact reveals that the combined prevalence of cavities and severe gum inflammation, periodontitis, has already exceeded the combined global prevalence of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) like mental health disorders, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, chronic respiratory diseases, and cancers.

Preventive oral care saves money

The report introduces a new cost calculation model for oral disease prevention and treatment, estimating that preventable oral diseases consume approximately $357 billion annually from global healthcare budgets.

Preventable oral diseases affect too many people worldwide. Tooth decay affects over two billion individuals globally, while severe gum inflammation impacts over one billion people. Hence, the EFP report underscores the urgent need to improve global oral health.

Reducing risk factors threatening oral health, such as sugary diets, tobacco, and alcohol consumption, is recommended not only to reduce oral diseases but also to improve overall health and prevent non-communicable diseases.

The scientific evidence linking oral infections to overall health is growing continuously, emphasizing the importance of utilizing this knowledge more extensively among healthcare professionals.

For instance, a recent doctoral thesis from the University of Turku reveals that poor oral hygiene increases the risk of severe head and neck infections requiring hospitalization. The study's findings suggest that investments in oral health and dental care can reduce infection-related costs, complications, and even mortality.

The EFP emphasizes the clear link between oral and overall health, stressing the importance of prioritizing oral health in healthcare budgets and policies.

The report also introduces a framework detailing the progression of cavities from healthy teeth to severely decayed teeth, presenting preventive measures such as maintaining oral hygiene with fluoride toothpaste and implementing local fluoride treatments to prevent or slow down cavity development.

Lumoral: Support for Mechanical Brushing

Efficient oral self-care is crucial for preventing and treating cavities and gum diseases. However, as people age, maintaining oral hygiene can become challenging due to declining vision, memory, or motor skills.

The Lumoral method serves as a targeted solution against microscopic plaque in the mouth, enhancing the effectiveness of mechanical tooth brushing and interdental cleaning. Lumoral treatment eliminates Streptococcus mutans bacteria responsible for tooth decay and gingivitis bacteria.

Endorsed by dentists and the Dental Hygienists' Association in Finland, Lumoral is suitable for maintaining oral health, as well as treating and preventing oral diseases at home. Lumoral slows plaque formation and significantly reduces the amount of bacteria causing periodontitis on tooth surfaces and along the gum line.

Existing studies support Lumoral's efficacy, showing that while even the most effective electric toothbrushes remove only about 65% of harmful bacteria from teeth, Lumoral eliminates over 99% of biofilm bacteria.


  1. Pakarinen S, Saarela RKT, Välimaa H, et al. Home-applied dual-light photodynamic therapy in the treatment of stable chronic periodontitis (HOPE-CP)—three-month interim results. Dent J (Basel). 2022;10(11):206. doi:10.3390/dj10110206
  3. Aggarwal N, Gupta S, Grover R, Sadana G, Bansal K. Plaque removal efficacy of different toothbrushes: a comparative study. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent. 2019;12(5):385-390. doi:10.5005/jp-journals-10005-1669 


    Finnish Medical Society Duodecim highlights Lumoral as a breakthrough in Finnish healthcare

    Finnish Medical Society Duodecim highlights Lumoral as a breakthrough in Finnish healthcare

    Duodecim, Finland's leading medical association, has published the book "The Healing Power of Medicine" (Lääketieteen Parantava Voima), which presents Finnish advancements in healthcare for disease prevention, easier diagnosis, and more effective treatment. The book also introduces Lumoral treatment, an antibacterial oral hygiene method recognized as one of Finland's significant breakthroughs in dentistry.

    Edited by Emerita Professor Anne Pitkäranta, Professor Kaija-Leena Kolho, and Emeritus Professor Kimmo Kontula, the book emphasizes the importance of scientific research in society and its impact on healthcare outcomes. 

    The book highlights the antibacterial Lumoral method, now available in 16 European countries. In the article "Light for Teeth" (Valoa hampaille), one of the developers of Lumoral, a specialist in heart and organ transplant surgery, Dr. Tommi Pätilä, discusses the method's origin and its potential to revolutionize oral health on both individual and societal levels.

    "Dental and periodontal diseases are among the most common chronic infectious diseases worldwide. Chronic inflammation of the supporting tissues of the teeth, periodontitis, is considered a public health problem due to its prevalence as the sixth most common disease globally," Dr. Pätilä points out.

    Lumoral is an antibacterial and light-activated oral hygiene method used as part of a regular oral hygiene routine, alongside brushing and interdental cleaning. Research shows that Lumoral treatment slows plaque formation and significantly reduces the number of bacteria in the mouth, which contribute to gum inflammation.

    According to Dr. Pätilä, incorporating light-activated and antibacterial treatment into daily oral hygiene routines enhances the effectiveness of tooth cleaning, especially when traditional oral hygiene methods fall short.

    "Lumoral treatment is suitable for everyone but is particularly beneficial for individuals with oral health issues. The method also freshens breath. Its antimicrobial effect targets harmful bacteria in the mouth while preserving the normal bacterial flora that maintains oral health," Dr. Pätilä explains.

    Rapid Diagnosis - Effective Disease Management

    Dr. Tommi Pätilä also contributes to another article in the book, "Finnish Oral Medicine Innovations Enable Rapid Diagnosis and Plaque Control for Gum Disease" (Suomalaiset suulääketieteelliset innovaatiot mahdollistavat iensairauden pikadiagnostiikan ja plakkikontrollin). The article discusses significant Finnish advancements, particularly in diagnosing and treating severe gum diseases. The article also emphasizes the connection between periodontitis and various systemic diseases. Therefore, early detection and treatment of the disease are crucial.

    To expedite the diagnosis of periodontitis, researchers from the University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Hospital have developed chairside testing based on active matrix metalloproteinase-8 (aMMP-8) markers. The test complements the diagnosis of periodontitis and peri-implantitis and monitors treatment response and maintenance. It can be performed by a healthcare professional or independently by the patient at home, similar to COVID-19 antigen or traditional pregnancy tests.

    Dr. Pätilä highlights that untreated periodontitis or peri-implantitis sustains and intensifies the body's low-grade systemic inflammation and is associated with several systemic diseases. Therefore, early diagnosis of gum diseases is essential. Rapid diagnosis also allows for the prompt initiation of effective treatment, halting or preventing disease progression. With the Lumoral method, patients can enhance their self-care at home.

    "Low-grade inflammation is a condition where the body reacts to irritation by secreting mediators. Although the body's 'muted' inflammation is not a disease in itself, prolonged inflammation becomes harmful to health, especially in the aforementioned systemic diseases," Dr. Pätilä says.

    Poor oral health incurs additional diseases for both individuals and society, emphasizes Professor Timo Sorsa, professor of oral and maxillofacial diseases at the University of Helsinki and developer of the aMMP-8 rapid test.

    "Finnish dental and periodontal diagnostic and therapeutic inventions may significantly impact the detection, treatment, and prevention of the world's sixth most common disease, periodontitis/peri-implantitis. They also enable plaque and gum disease control," states an article in book.


    "The Healing Power of Medicine - 100 Stories from Cells to Applications," edited by Emerita Professor Anne Pitkäranta, Professor Kaija-Leena Kolho, and Emeritus Professor Kimmo Kontula, 1st edition 2024, 365 pages, paperback

    "The Healing Power of Medicine," edited by Emerita Professor Anne Pitkäranta (right), Professor Kaija-Leena Kolho, and Emeritus Professor Kimmo Kontula, is a testament to the importance of research in society. Vilja Harala (Duodecim)

    Fresh breath is the key to overall well-being

    Fresh breath is the key to overall well-being

    Valentine's Day is approaching – a celebration symbolizing love and friendship. Therefore, it is an appropriate moment to consider the importance of fresh breath in relationships. Good oral hygiene is not limited to just a smile; it can have a significant impact on interpersonal interactions, even in the workplace.

    Everyone suffers from occasional bad breath, or halitosis. There can be several reasons for this condition. Understanding the root cause is important for addressing and preventing the problem. (1,2)

    Halitosis is primarily caused by specific bacteria in the mouth, such as streptococci, which are also found in various infections in the body. Oral bacteria, especially those related to gum disease and periodontitis, can produce volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs) that cause foul odors in the mouth and may also be a sign of gum inflammation. These compounds are formed when oral bacteria break down food residues, especially proteins, and other organic substances. (3)

    Certain foods, such as garlic, onions, and spices, can also cause bad breath. Avoiding these foods can be a simple way to keep your breath fresh. However, persistent bad breath may be a sign of underlying health issues. For example, diabetes is known to cause a specific acidic odor in the breath. So, if bad breath persists despite efforts to address the problem, it is important to consult a doctor. (4)

    Fresh breath boosts confidence

    Several studies indicate that bad breath can be a bigger problem for well-being than is commonly understood. Bad breath can cause social awkwardness and affect personal relationships because people may hesitate to engage in close conversations. Improving oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups can help manage and alleviate the social impact of bad breath. (5, 6)

    Fresh breath is not only important in special situations, such as Valentine's Day, but also in everyday encounters in all social environments. Good oral hygiene and fresh breath promote the creation of a positive first impression and also influence professional advancement.

    Valentine's Day is just around the corner. Read dentist Pirta Liljekvist's tips for achieving fresh breath:

    Regular oral hygiene:

    Brush your teeth at least twice a day and clean between your teeth once a day to remove food debris and plaque that can cause bad breath.

    – Bad breath can signal to others that personal hygiene may be lacking. A polished appearance won't save the situation if your breath is stale, says dentist Pirta Liljekvist.

    – It can be difficult to notice if your own breath smells. The floss test tells mercilessly how others perceive your breath, Liljekvist continues.

    Stay hydrated:

    Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your mouth moist and wash away bacteria. Dry mouth can lead to bad breath.

    Fact: Without saliva, tooth decay and gum disease are more likely. If you have dry mouth, you need to be especially careful to follow good oral hygiene practices to combat tooth decay and gum disease.

    Healthy diet:

    Some foods temporarily cause bad breath. For example, otherwise healthy onions and garlic can still linger in your breath the next day. If you want your breath to smell fresh, avoid them. Fruits and vegetables make good snacks, just remember to always take breaks between meals. Snacking and too-short breaks between meals are harmful to your teeth.

    Use sugar-free and xylitol products:

    Tip: Chewing gum stimulates saliva production, which helps neutralize odors and keep breath fresh.

    Quit smoking:

    Smoking not only causes bad breath but also increases the risk of gum disease. Quitting smoking can improve overall oral health.

    Limit alcohol consumption:

    Alcohol can lead to dry mouth, which causes bad breath. Limit alcohol consumption to maintain saliva production. Many mouthwashes also contain alcohol. It's advisable to choose an alcohol-free mouthwash if that's what you prefer to use.

    Regular dental visits:

    Tip: Schedule regular dental check-ups to detect potential dental problems early.

    – Finding the root cause of halitosis starts at the dentist's office. However, one's daily activities in everyday life are crucial. It's not worth letting bad breath become a social problem because there are ways to address it, Liljekvist suggests.

    Lumoral freshens breath

    Lumoral is an antibacterial and light-activated oral care method developed by Finnish researchers and designed to be used in addition to regular tooth brushing. The device is suitable for everyone but is especially useful for individuals facing oral health challenges. Lumoral treatment also freshens breath. Lumoral's antimicrobial effect targets bacteria in the mouth that cause inflammation but does not affect other oral mucosal bacteria. (7)

    Lumoral slows down plaque formation and significantly reduces the number of bacteria that cause periodontitis. Although bad breath can be caused by many factors, improving oral hygiene is a good first step. Acquiring a high-quality electric toothbrush is an easy way to improve oral health. Adding Lumoral treatment to your daily oral hygiene routine enhances the effectiveness of oral cleaning and also helps when traditional oral hygiene methods are insufficient. (7)

    Using mouthwashes is a common way to try to control bad breath, but the problem with antibacterial mouthwashes is that they destroy not only harmful bacteria but also the microbiota that promote oral health. Many mouthwashes also contain alcohol, which has been linked to the development of oral cancer in scientific studies (8). It is also important to note that long-term use of antibacterial mouthwashes, such as chlorhexidine, can adversely affect taste and cause tooth discoloration.

    Lumoral treatment differs from mouthwashes in that it does not contain alcohol and targets plaque.

    Lumoral's antibacterial effect has been shown to be stronger than mouthwashes, but because it is targeted, it does not disturb the diversity of the oral microbiome. Since bacteria cannot develop resistance to Lumoral treatment, it is suitable for regular use.

    – Lumoral helps keep harmful mouth bacteria in check. As a dentist, I have noticed with pleasure at my practice that those who use Lumoral regularly have less gum inflammation than those who do not, emphasizes Pirta Liljeqvist.


    1.   Krespi YP, Shrime MG, Kacker A. The relationship between oral malodor and volatile sulfur compound-producing bacteria. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2006 Nov;135(5):671-6. doi: 10.1016/j.otohns.2005.09.036. PMID: 17071291.
    2.   Newman T. Everything you need to know about bad breath.
    3.   Medical Journal Duodecim, 26.1.2022, Osmo Saarelma, Specialist in General Medicine, Bad breath (halitosis)
    4.   González-Moles MÁ, Ramos-García P. State of Evidence on Oral Health Problems in Diabetic Patients: A Critical Review of the Literature. J Clin Med. 2021 Nov 18;10(22):5383. doi: 10.3390/jcm10225383. PMID: 34830663; PMCID: PMC8618619.
    5.   Veeresha KL, Bansal M, Bansal V. Halitosis: A frequently ignored social condition. J Int Soc Prev Community Dent. 2011 Jan;1(1):9-13. doi: 10.4103/2231-0762.86374. PMID: 24478947; PMCID: PMC3894075.
    6.   Wu, J., Cannon, R.D., Ji, P., Farella, M., Mei, L. (2020) Halitosis: prevalence, risk factors, sources, measurement and treatment – a review of the literature. Australian Dental Journal
    7.   Pakarinen, S.; Saarela, R.K.T.; Välimaa, H.; Heikkinen, A.M.; Kankuri, E.; Noponen, M.; Alapulli, H.; Tervahartiala, T.; Räisänen, I.T.; Sorsa, T.; Pätilä, T. Home-Applied Dual-Light Photodynamic Therapy in the Treatment of Stable Chronic Periodontitis (HOPE-CP)-Three-Month Interim Results. Dent. J. 2022, 10, 206.
    8.   Boffetta P, Hayes RB, Sartori S, et al. Mouthwash use and cancer of the head and neck: a pooled analysis from the International Head and Neck Cancer Epidemiology Consortium. Eur J Cancer Prev 2015; [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 26275006; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4752930.