Antibacterial Dual-Light Therapy: A Novel and Effective Approach to Managing Oral Mucositis
Jessica Hentilä, a student at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki, conducted in-depth research on oral mucositis and its treatment. Oral mucositis is an inflammatory condition of the oral mucosa that arises from cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy, commonly affecting cancer patients as a side effect.
The symptoms of oral mucositis include swelling, redness, and painful ulcers on the oral mucosa, leading to difficulties in eating, interruptions in treatments, and even severe consequences such as sepsis and death. Traditional prevention and symptomatic treatment are commonly employed, but Hentilä's research suggests that antibacterial dual-light therapy provides a new and effective approach to managing oral mucositis.
Hentilä's bachelor's thesis, titled "Oral Mucositis – Antibacterial Dual-Light Therapy in the Treatment of Oral Mucositis," focused specifically on the use of antibacterial light in treating oral mucositis. The research explored antibacterial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) and antibacterial blue light (aBL), as well as their combination – known as dual-light therapy.
The study investigated the efficacy of dual-light therapy against Streptococcus Oralis (S. Oralis), a type of bacteria present in the oral microbiome. The results indicated that dual-light therapy could eliminate all bacterial colonies, regardless of the relative light energies of aPDT and aBL.
Addressing Side Effects of Cancer Treatments
In Finland, one in three individuals develops cancer during their lifetime, making the study of treatment side effects, particularly oral mucositis, crucial. According to the research, oral mucositis adversely affects many cancer patients, impacting their overall quality of life. Traditional treatments, such as ice therapy and maintaining oral hygiene with traditional means, may not always provide sufficient benefits, necessitating the exploration of new therapeutic approaches.
The study emphasizes that maintaining oral hygiene remains a crucial aspect of oral mucositis treatment, and light therapy devices could play a permanent role in oral healthcare. While reducing the significance of oral mucositis in the long term is an overarching goal, research on antibacterial dual-light therapy devices offers promising prospects for the advancement of oral healthcare.
Hentilä, Jessica. "Oral Mucositis – Antibacterial Dual-Light Therapy in the Treatment of Oral Mucositis." Bachelor of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki, October 22, 2023."