What is Photodynamic therapy?
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) was discovered by accident in 1900 by a medical student, Oscar Raab, in Munich. He was studying common freshwater bugs, paramecium, and noted that the organic compound acridine orange somehow sensitized the cells to light.
Historically, the use of PDT has been constrained by the invention of antibiotics. Recently, when antibiotic therapy has been compromised by the increasing development of antimicrobial resistance, interest in PDT has been renewed.
In dentistry, interest in PDT has arisen because it has a clear effect on bacterial biofilms, unlike any other method. Not only does this method penetrate the biofilm matrix, it also lacks resistance formation. However, the lack of availability of proper light sources has been holding back the implementation of the method on a grand scale. Therefore, in dentistry, PDT has thus far only been applied as an in-office treatment with laser systems against difficult-to-treat bacterial conditions. Through utilizing the advances of modern LED technology, Koite Health is offering a photodynamic method as a part of one’s daily oral hygiene routine.
PDT research has been significantly increased over the last 15 years. This has been especially evident in dentistry, where multiple clinical studies have been conducted, mostly to find treatments for periodontal diseases. These studies have shown, that to achieve a profound effect, weekly continuous use is recommended. In all
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